
Welcome to my blog. It has become therapy for me and I hope you laugh and cry when reading it. Why cry? Because that is what I want to do on a daily basis because I am either laughing hysterically or becuase I don't know what else to do and murder is still illegal! Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Andrew the artist

Andrew has always loved art. Always. He loved art class in school - I was NOT allowed to pick him up early if it would mean he missed an art class. He had an amazing art teacher in first grade that fostered his love for art even more. He loves to draw and create things - from using Bendaroos to making cards and everything in between. Our house has become a museum. When he draws something, he immediately gets the tape and finds a place on a wall. For about a month Rich and I had a very long train taped on our bedroom wall above our bed. I think he used 5 sheets of paper. (Oh - stock tip!! Paper and tape - invest in them and you will get rich!) We have had skyscrapers taped to our walls, too - and they have been 8 sheets tall! It has gotten so bad that Santa put tape in the boys' stockings last year!

Another thing that Andrew loves is breakfast (brefkist if you are Timmy). If he could, he would eat pancakes and sausage for breakfast, french toast and bacon for lunch, and a HUGE bowl of ceral for dinner. We are working on the concept of bouancy with him right now - we tend to have a Honey Nut Cheerio overflow issue about 3 mornings a week! I know he understand it - he just wants to test his limits and see how many cheerios he can get to stay in the bowl. I think it's a game to him at this point. The dogs love it, too - they stand next to him waiting for the casualties!

One morning Andrew decided to combine two of his loves - art & food. I wonder if Picaso or Michaelangelo started out with various forms of bread and meat when they were little. Did their moms approve? One thing I DO know - their moms didn't take pictures and post them to their blogs!
He has done this a few times since - basically each time we let him have a larger than normal breakfast. Hey - the waffles are whoe grain - does that count for something? And no, this is not a normal breakfast! This may have been a "I'll make breakfast while mom is in the shower" occassion. He can work with smaller amounts, too. One day he made Stonehenge out of his three mini-pancakes and two pieces of sausage. What can I say? He is a master!
Oh - and this is why we will never let him get breakfast in school . . . . I am not even going to think about THAT phone call!

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